Church Leadership Development

Before we can have development in communities we first have to have development of communities and nothing is more important to a community than its people. We work through trainings, mentoring, planning, and providing the resources needed to develop local church leaders. As they develop they then become better equipped, more confident, and more motivated to serve their communities.

We recently started training our pastors and church leaders in the Church and Community Mobilization Process (CCMP). They came out of that training saying things like "we didn't know that we were only ministering to the spiritual needs of our churches...we need to minister to the physical needs as well" and "In five years our conference will not look the same." Developing local leaders is the only way to ensure long term and sustainable development. Pastor Jacob Korinda is a great example. In the last three years of working with Jacob he has moved from trying to grow a big church to understanding the need to disciple and equip people around him. In that time he has planted two other churches and despite the handicap of only having one good leg he still manages to travel the 30 minutes to an hour to his churches to serve and equip other churches to serve their local communities. This is multiplication at work.

If you want to invest in human capital, in the people pouring their lives into their churches and communities jump over here and see how you can support training and workshops for our leaders.